DLS - Dienstleistungsscheck

by bvaeb.sv.at



The service check (DLS) is a means of payment and wages for people who perform simple household services in private householdsprovide - provided that the remuneration does not exceed the monthly de minimis limit (plus vacation replacement benefits and special payment portion).The basic idea of ​​the service check is to get work in private households such as cleaning and gardening, but also services such as babysitting out of the zone of undeclared work and to embed it in a legal framework. The conditions are fair for everyone involved: hourly wages for work are negotiated independently between employer and employee - but must not fall below the minimum wage. The earnings limit is the statutory de minimis limit plus pro rata special payments. The employees are of course also insured against accidents. Self-insurance in health and pension insurance is possible.In order to ensure that household-related services are legally secured even more often in the future, the purchase of the service check has been significantly reduced in bureaucracy and simplified in recent years.